Advocate Yaron Moyal is a lawyer specializing in cases of personal injuries, with an emphasis on medical malpractice claims . Born in London, Adv. Moyal graduated from Brunel University of West London in 1996 and a member of the Israel Bar since 1997. Adv. Moyal has experience of over 25 years handling medical malpractice, accidents and serious personal injuries cases in the Courts. Over the years Adv. Moyal represented Israel’s leading medical institutions, including hospitals across Israel and Kupat Cholim.
Since 2003, Adv. Moyal has been representing private clients only in cases of medical malpractice and serious physical injuries, using his extensive experience of representing the medical system for the benefit of his private clients.injuries, with an emphasis on medical malpractice claims.
Yaron Moyal’s firm is located in Jerusalem and he holds meetings with clients in offices located ia Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Herzliya and Beer – Sheva. Initial meeting and consultation is free and without any obligation. Our Firm shall be able to assess the prospects of the claim and assist in collecting the medical files from the various medical institutions.
We work in professional collaboration with first-class medical experts in Israel and abroad, providing in appropriate cases medical opinions to support and establish the claims raised in the lawsuits by our firm.
For initial assessment of your case, you can contact Yaron Moyal in one of the following ways:
- By telephone : 02-56626622.
2. By fax : 02-5631631
3. By Email : yaron@moyallaw.co.il
4. Our website: https://www.moyallaw.co.il